Thursday, November 28, 2013

We need a new currency

In reaction to Postmedia's Godfrey Saw Total Pay Rise 50 Percent Last Year. This is from a company experiencing losses and cutting its employee compensation packages.

"I can't keep doing business when these corporations and CEOs keep eviscerating the livelihoods of their employees who are the primary source of my clientele. On the other end of it, I can't compete for disappearing jobs to replace my lost business income. We need a new currency. Dollars are rendered useless as they are funnelled into offshore accounts where they die and we can't get enough of them for ourselves to survive."

Thursday, November 07, 2013

White poppies, red poppies

From the Huffington Post:
 Julian Fantino Calls White Poppies 'Offensive' To Veterans
CBC  |  Posted: 11/06/2013 9:04 pm EST  |  Updated: 11/06/2013 10:52 pm EST

" offensive attempt to politicize Remembrance Day..."
- MP Julian Fantino
He should be reminded that all war is political and it was because of the politics of war that we lost the men and women we remember by the red poppy. And this is coming from a cabinet minister of a party with that has disrespectfully treated veterans poorly.

"The white poppy campaign is believed to have originated decades ago in the U.K."

"..believed..."??? What manner of journalism is this?

Here is a major credibility problem with the CBC in New Harperterre. It doesn't want you to know that the origins of the White Poppy Campaign came from women who lost fathers, husbands, brothers and sons in war in 1933 by The Co-operative Women's Guild in the UK. Anyone who stomps on the white poppy knowing this, stomps on the grief of women. This is why the military machine hates Mother's Day which was organised nearly a century-and-a-half ago by women's peace groups as a campaign against war.

"...Canadian Voice of Women for Peace make white poppies, which they hand out for free."

Obviously, it does not encroach on the fundraising efforts for veterans who sell red poppies each year.

Red poppies for remembrance. 
White poppies for a peaceful future.

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

More questions for Councillor Ford

Councillor Doug Ford the enabler: What's all this about "judge, jury and executioner?"

Though he could not state why he was disappointed, I thought it was obvious Chief Blair was disappointed in what Mayor Rob Ford SAID, because he was not surprised to see what Mayor Ford was doing.

Now, what about progress on tying up the loose ends in the murder case of Anthony Smith?

Sunday, November 03, 2013

A prayer for Rob Ford

O God of the Universe:

May you be close beside our mayor today. Give him strength and hope and a clear mind to deal with what is ahead of him. Open his heart to those around him who love him and care about him. Help him to experience the joy of living, the blessings of abundance around him and healing love. May you walk beside each of his family members, his friends and his co-workers giving them strength and hope. May you bring hope and healing to the people of Toronto. Be especially close to those who are hurt and bereft surrounding them with your restorative love as we hold them in the light.

 Let it be this way today.

Saturday, November 02, 2013

On Toronto Mayory Rob Ford's increase of support

Forget about the substance abuse and the drug dealing for a moment. What else happened here? The three media members told us that on the video they were shown racist and homophobic comments were made by a man who was apparently identified as Rob Ford. I suspect this is the source of Chief Blair's "disappointment" and would certainly be grounds for council to call for his resignation. Then, there were the shooting deaths of young men. THIS IS WHAT IS IMPORTANT here. Ford appeared in photos with these men and that appearance is what should be concerning people. But, all and sundry are going after the substance abuse behaviours which has obfuscated what the city's constituents need to remember when forming an opinion. This is why they have become more protective of "their" mayor.