Thursday, June 28, 2007

#$@%! The strange things people say

Trees swayed in an ominous breeze that was building strength one hot, humid afternoon on a quiet neighbourhood street. I was delivering flyers announcing welcome to stand on our church's lawn to watch the East York Canada Day Parade.

At one house, a woman standing outside gladly took the flyer and we began a conversation about how people are so different than a generation ago. She bemoaned people's bad manners, violent outbursts and reckless driving. Later, as I prepared to get into my car to go home, I saw the woman talking to her neighbours across the street. A pizza delivery car sped past and the woman called out to me to be careful. The pizza car stopped at the bottom of the street and proceeded to make a right turn. Suddenly a large black van rounded the corner in a left turn the opposite way. His turn was too tight, but he managed to avoid collision with the pizza car. The van driver leaned out and let off a string of obscenities including calling the pizza car driver a "terrorist" who should go back to his own country.

I exchanged astonished glances with the woman and hers confirmed the content of our conversation.

The expected stormy weather never materialised, but the brief storm of violent speech I witnessed still lingers. It is somehow more memorable than any weather disturbance. On the drive home I pondered what brought me to that place. Less than half a block away from this verbal act of terrorism is the church who invites people to stand on its lawn for a parade and advertises itself as "A Safe Place."

Thursday, June 14, 2007


After 12 years of stable employment, I was faced with one of those sudden shifts that in the space of two minutes took me unexpectedly from a happy and busy worker, well-connected with my colleagues to being completely alone and looking for another job.

Suddenly, things that happen in people's lives pull them away from work, friends, family, home and such! And, here you are, reading this post and perhaps something has happened to you that has changed the direction of your life. It might be financial, employment related, or connected to family and friends.

Times are turbulent and affect folk who need stability the most. Everyone needs water, food, clothing and shelter, but we also need relationships, community and hope for the future. Who or what is there offering us hope? Why is there so much upheaval in our world and in our lives? What can we do for ourselves and others? These are tough questions when we are overwhelmed by the magnitude of change and uncertainty that we face.

Here in my blog, I will attempt to find stories, ideas, answers and solutions that provide encouragement and hope for others who struggle with issues and circumstances that seem insurmountable. It will be thought provoking, too. I would like to receive comments from others who would like to offer their own stories and ideas that offer help to others. Included in future posts will be useful bits and pieces about everyday living, opinions and news. This place should be a place of coalescence, of meeting and creating community, for without community, there is no family, no friends and no work.

Your comments and topic suggestions, these would be welcome. Please note that I will exercise a policy of inclusiveness and courtesy your contributions should follow the same route.

To kick off the process, I invite comments from people seeking employment, about their experiences of interviews, expectations of potential employers, things that worked or helped, and things that were not so helpful. What has changed since you last looked for a job? How have you used technology in new ways? Is there still room for the personal touch?

Let's go!