Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Theology of the Rainbow OR The Bible in Six Easy Colours

You'll always hang your Pride Flag
right side up if you remember this.
RED: Red is at the beginning and it is the passionate LOVE God felt for the Creation that came from womb, hands, heart and head. Human Beings are part of Creation and long for that LOVE. It is a gift from God and we give it to one another.

ORANGE: Messengers came bearing news of the LIGHT sent to Human Beings, created by God to tell them of the LOVE. This was told to them in many ways. Some Human Beings got the message and a long time passed.

YELLOW: God sent the LIGHT, a self in the form of a Human Being who could talk about the red, passionate LOVE God had for what was created and who could show Human Beings what LOVE is. There are many who call this LIGHT "Jesus."

GREEN: The LIGHT shone afresh upon Creation and caused it to grow visibly. Wonderful signs of growth were seen by many Human Beings. LOVE grew inside Creation. LOVE grew inside Human Beings for other Human Beings who did not know about the LIGHT.

BLUE: Creation needed more from LIGHT now that it understood it needed to continue to grow. LIGHT gave itself up and called WATER. WATER came in torrents to help continue the growth of Creation and its understanding of God.

PURPLE: Creation needs reminders about LOVE. LOVE is wonderful, astounding, affirming and passionate. So, purple is ROYALTY who put itself at the bottom, giving away everything it had so that Creation could be on top and know the red, passionate LOVE that came to it from the very beginning.

This edited version first published Fall 2005.